Featured Lists Top 20 Problems on Dynamic programming Top 10 Problems on Backtracking Top 20 Problems on Graph Top 25 Problems on Trees Top 10 Problems on Bits Manipulation Top 15 Problems in LinkedList All Problems # Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 202 Dynamic Programming - Box Stacking Problem Hard % 0 200 Dynamic Programming - Highway Billboard Problem Hard % 0 190 Swap Nodes in pairs in a Linked List by changing links Medium % 0 187 Reverse Alternative 'k' nodes in a Linked List. Medium % 0 186 Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size 'K' Medium % 0 182 Binary Tree-Postorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Beginner % 0 181 Binary Tree - Preorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Beginner % 0 180 Binary Tree-Inorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Beginner % 0 178 Search the Element in a binary tree - With and Without Recursion Beginner % 0 173 Minimize Square Sums: Fewest Perfect Squares to Reach a Target (Dynamic Programming) Hard % 0 165 Generate all combinations of length N Hard % 0 164 Print All Possible Subsets with Sum equal to a given Number Hard % 0 162 Dynamic Programming - Subset Sum Problem Hard % 0 156 Backtracking - N Queens Problem Hard % 0 153 Find the Second Largest Element in an Array Beginner % 1 143 Merge K Sorted Arrays Hard % 0 141 Find the Single Occurrence Element in an Array (Odd One Out) Beginner % 1 137 Populate Next Right Pointers in Each Node Hard % 0 136 Verifying Mirror Binary Trees Beginner % 1 130 Find and Print Full Nodes in a Binary Tree Beginner % 0 119 Clock Angle Problem Beginner % 1 118 Print All Combinations of subset of size K from Given Array Hard % 0 106 Reverse a Doubly-Linked List (In-place Algorithm) Medium % 0 105 Swapping Nodes in a Linked List (Kth Position) Medium % 0 104 Print the Bottom View of a Binary Tree Medium % 0 103 Delete X Nodes After Y Nodes In a Linked List Beginner % 0 102 Merge Sort for Linked Lists (In-place Algorithm) Medium % 0 101 Merge a Linked list into another Linked List at Alternate Positions Medium % 0 99 Construct a binary tree from given Inorder and Level Order Traversal Hard % 0 98 Construct Binary Search Tree from a given Preorder Traversal Using Stack (Without Recursion) Hard % 0 96 Print The Top View of a Binary Tree Medium % 0 95 Construct a Binary Tree from Given Inorder and Depth-First-Search Hard % 0 88 Rearrange Array: Positive and Negative Elements Alternating Hard % 0 84 Elements in an Array Occurring More Than N/K Times Hard % 0 83 Find Element in Rotated Sorted Array Medium % 0 Dynamic Programming - Box Stacking Problem Dynamic Programming - Highway Billboard Problem Swap Nodes in pairs in a Linked List by changing links Reverse Alternative 'k' nodes in a Linked List. Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size 'K' Binary Tree-Postorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Binary Tree - Preorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Binary Tree-Inorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Search the Element in a binary tree - With and Without Recursion Minimize Square Sums: Fewest Perfect Squares to Reach a Target (Dynamic Programming) Generate all combinations of length N Print All Possible Subsets with Sum equal to a given Number Dynamic Programming - Subset Sum Problem Backtracking - N Queens Problem Find the Second Largest Element in an Array Merge K Sorted Arrays Find the Single Occurrence Element in an Array (Odd One Out) Populate Next Right Pointers in Each Node Verifying Mirror Binary Trees Find and Print Full Nodes in a Binary Tree Clock Angle Problem Print All Combinations of subset of size K from Given Array Reverse a Doubly-Linked List (In-place Algorithm) Swapping Nodes in a Linked List (Kth Position) Print the Bottom View of a Binary Tree Delete X Nodes After Y Nodes In a Linked List Merge Sort for Linked Lists (In-place Algorithm) Merge a Linked list into another Linked List at Alternate Positions Construct a binary tree from given Inorder and Level Order Traversal Construct Binary Search Tree from a given Preorder Traversal Using Stack (Without Recursion) Print The Top View of a Binary Tree Construct a Binary Tree from Given Inorder and Depth-First-Search Rearrange Array: Positive and Negative Elements Alternating Elements in an Array Occurring More Than N/K Times Find Element in Rotated Sorted Array 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16