Featured Lists Top 20 Problems on Dynamic programming Top 10 Problems on Backtracking Top 20 Problems on Graph Top 25 Problems on Trees Top 10 Problems on Bits Manipulation Top 15 Problems in LinkedList All Problems # Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 282 Prim’s - Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) |using Adjacency Matrix Hard % 0 281 Prim’s Algorithm - Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Hard % 0 280 Graph – Find Cycle in Undirected Graph using Disjoint Set (Union-Find) Hard % 0 279 Disjoint Set | Union-Find Algorithm - Union by rank and path compression Hard % 0 278 Disjoint Set Data Structure - Union Find Algorithm Hard % 0 276 Graph – Find Number of non reachable vertices from a given vertex Medium % 0 275 Graph – Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph using colors Hard % 0 274 Graph – Detect Cycle in an Undirected Graph using DFS Medium % 0 265 Java Pair Class Beginner % 0 263 Minimum Copy Paste Operations Medium % 0 260 Deque Implementation – Java Beginner % 0 259 Print all sub sequences of a given String Medium % 0 255 Print all substrings of a given string Medium % 0 250 Nuts & Bolts Problem (Lock & Key problem) Beginner % 0 248 Remove Duplicates from a string | 4 Approaches Medium % 0 247 Find median of two sorted arrays of same size Medium % 0 245 Dynamic programming – Printer Problem | Leetcode Hard % 0 241 Separate even and odd integers in a given array Beginner % 0 238 Separate 0’s and 1’s in a given array Beginner % 0 237 Find three elements in an array that sum to a zero Beginner % 0 236 Find three elements in an array that sum to a given value Beginner % 1 235 Majority Element- Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm Medium % 0 234 Majority Element – Part 1 Beginner % 0 232 Check whether the given number is a perfect square Beginner % 0 230 Find the Index from which 0 starts Beginner % 0 229 Find the increasing OR decreasing point in an array Beginner % 0 226 Find remainder without using modulo operator Beginner % 0 225 Swap two numbers without using extra variable Beginner % 0 216 Find the element which appears maximum number of times in the array Medium % 0 215 Find duplicates in an given array in O(n) time and O(1) space Medium % 0 214 Find the last non repeating character in a given string. Beginner % 0 213 Find the last repeating character in a given string Beginner % 0 210 k-Nearest Neighbors Hard % 0 206 Reverse the given Array without using built in function Beginner % 0 201 Dynamic Programming - Split the String into Minimum number of Palindromes. Hard % 0 Prim’s - Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) |using Adjacency Matrix Prim’s Algorithm - Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Graph – Find Cycle in Undirected Graph using Disjoint Set (Union-Find) Disjoint Set | Union-Find Algorithm - Union by rank and path compression Disjoint Set Data Structure - Union Find Algorithm Graph – Find Number of non reachable vertices from a given vertex Graph – Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph using colors Graph – Detect Cycle in an Undirected Graph using DFS Java Pair Class Minimum Copy Paste Operations Deque Implementation – Java Print all sub sequences of a given String Print all substrings of a given string Nuts & Bolts Problem (Lock & Key problem) Remove Duplicates from a string | 4 Approaches Find median of two sorted arrays of same size Dynamic programming – Printer Problem | Leetcode Separate even and odd integers in a given array Separate 0’s and 1’s in a given array Find three elements in an array that sum to a zero Find three elements in an array that sum to a given value Majority Element- Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm Majority Element – Part 1 Check whether the given number is a perfect square Find the Index from which 0 starts Find the increasing OR decreasing point in an array Find remainder without using modulo operator Swap two numbers without using extra variable Find the element which appears maximum number of times in the array Find duplicates in an given array in O(n) time and O(1) space Find the last non repeating character in a given string. Find the last repeating character in a given string k-Nearest Neighbors Reverse the given Array without using built in function Dynamic Programming - Split the String into Minimum number of Palindromes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16