Featured Lists Top 20 Problems on Dynamic programming Top 10 Problems on Backtracking Top 20 Problems on Graph Top 25 Problems on Trees Top 10 Problems on Bits Manipulation Top 15 Problems in LinkedList All Problems # Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 402 Check if Arithmetic Expression contains duplicate parenthesis Medium % 0 401 Introduction to Bipartite Graphs OR Bigraphs Medium % 0 400 Reverse the Directed Graph Beginner % 0 398 Smallest Number after Removing K digits Hard % 0 395 Implement Graph Using Map or dictionary Medium % 0 390 Convert Prefix to Postfix Expression Medium % 0 389 Convert Roman Number to Integer Beginner % 0 387 Convert Postfix to Prefix Expression Medium % 0 383 Print Processes and its messages from a given log file Medium % 0 382 Linear Search vs Binary Search Beginner % 0 381 K-Means Algorithm Hard % 0 379 Sieve of Eratosthenes - Find all Prime Numbers less than equal to N | Set 2 Medium % 0 376 Collatz Conjecture - Steps to transform Number to 1 Beginner % 0 374 Find all Prime Numbers less than equal to N | Set 1 Beginner % 0 372 Monotone Increasing Digits - Leetcode Medium % 1 370 Find third largest element in a given array Beginner % 0 366 Java program to find the largest element in array Beginner % 0 361 Convert Prefix to Infix Expression Medium % 0 360 Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache – Using LinkedHashSet and Deque | Set 2 Hard % 0 356 Check if array contains all unique or distinct numbers Beginner % 0 355 Product of all Unique elements in a given array Beginner % 0 352 Check if given number is perfect square - O(√N) Solution Beginner % 0 349 Selection Sort Beginner % 0 348 Print Number with its Sign in Java Beginner % 0 345 Find the roots of Quadratic Equation – Java Program Beginner % 0 343 Generate all the strings of length n from 0 to k-1 Medium % 0 342 Find two smallest elements in a given array Beginner % 0 341 Front and Back Search in an Array Beginner % 0 340 Print all Unique elements in a given array Beginner % 0 337 Find first two largest elements in a given array Beginner % 0 336 Calculate Logn base r – Java Implementation Beginner % 0 335 Max Flow Problem – Introduction Hard % 0 333 Sum the elements of an Array Beginner % 0 332 Insertion Sort Beginner % 0 329 Rotate the given array in cycles Beginner % 0 Check if Arithmetic Expression contains duplicate parenthesis Introduction to Bipartite Graphs OR Bigraphs Reverse the Directed Graph Smallest Number after Removing K digits Implement Graph Using Map or dictionary Convert Prefix to Postfix Expression Convert Roman Number to Integer Convert Postfix to Prefix Expression Print Processes and its messages from a given log file Linear Search vs Binary Search K-Means Algorithm Sieve of Eratosthenes - Find all Prime Numbers less than equal to N | Set 2 Collatz Conjecture - Steps to transform Number to 1 Find all Prime Numbers less than equal to N | Set 1 Monotone Increasing Digits - Leetcode Find third largest element in a given array Java program to find the largest element in array Convert Prefix to Infix Expression Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache – Using LinkedHashSet and Deque | Set 2 Check if array contains all unique or distinct numbers Product of all Unique elements in a given array Check if given number is perfect square - O(√N) Solution Selection Sort Print Number with its Sign in Java Find the roots of Quadratic Equation – Java Program Generate all the strings of length n from 0 to k-1 Find two smallest elements in a given array Front and Back Search in an Array Print all Unique elements in a given array Find first two largest elements in a given array Calculate Logn base r – Java Implementation Max Flow Problem – Introduction Sum the elements of an Array Insertion Sort Rotate the given array in cycles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16