# Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 555 Move All Zeroes to the End of the Array Beginner % 0 547 Maximum Contiguous ones after one deletion Medium % 2 546 Converting to Non-Decreasing Array with One Change Medium % 0 545 Maximizing Contiguous Ones with a Single Flip in a Binary Array Medium % 3 543 Adding One to a Number Represented by an Array Medium % 1 541 Find an extra element in two almost similar arrays Beginner % 5 538 Find The Minimum time difference Medium % 1 537 Departure and Destination Cities in a given itinerary Beginner % 2 536 Efficiently Rank Elements in a Given Array Beginner % 3 535 Find Three Consecutive Odd Numbers in an array Beginner % 2 534 Convert to Non-decreasing Array with one change Beginner % 1 533 In an array, Duplicate the zeroes without expanding it Beginner % 0 530 Find Maximum Consecutive Ones in an Array Beginner % 0 529 Duplicate even elements in an array Beginner % 1 528 Minimum Increments to make all array elements unique Medium % 0 526 Maximum Surpasser in the given array Hard % 0 520 Remove Duplicates in a given Sorted Array Beginner % 0 518 Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Beginner % 0 517 Count number of pairs in an array with sum = K Medium % 0 516 Count similar words in a given array Beginner % 1 515 Maximum distance from the nearest person Medium % 1 514 Sort 0, 1, 2 in an array - Part 2 Beginner % 0 513 Sort 0, 1, 2 in an array - Part 1 Beginner % 1 512 Override the compare function for Collections.sort method Beginner % 0 511 Sum of all the overlapping elements Beginner % 0 509 Find the Number of Contiguous Parking Areas Medium % 1 508 Get specific row K in a Pascal Triangle Medium % 0 505 Override the compare function for Arrays.sort method - Java Beginner % 0 504 What is a Pascal Triangle? Beginner % 0 497 Minimum number of adjacent swaps to sort the given array Hard % 1 494 Check if the given playlist of programs is valid Beginner % 1 493 Maximum meetings in one room Medium % 0 492 Find the number of pairs with even XOR Beginner % 0 490 Given an array, Find the number of all pairs with even sum Beginner % 0 489 The number of cycles in a given array of integers. Hard % 0 Move All Zeroes to the End of the Array Maximum Contiguous ones after one deletion Converting to Non-Decreasing Array with One Change Maximizing Contiguous Ones with a Single Flip in a Binary Array Adding One to a Number Represented by an Array Find an extra element in two almost similar arrays Find The Minimum time difference Departure and Destination Cities in a given itinerary Efficiently Rank Elements in a Given Array Find Three Consecutive Odd Numbers in an array Convert to Non-decreasing Array with one change In an array, Duplicate the zeroes without expanding it Find Maximum Consecutive Ones in an Array Duplicate even elements in an array Minimum Increments to make all array elements unique Maximum Surpasser in the given array Remove Duplicates in a given Sorted Array Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Count number of pairs in an array with sum = K Count similar words in a given array Maximum distance from the nearest person Sort 0, 1, 2 in an array - Part 2 Sort 0, 1, 2 in an array - Part 1 Override the compare function for Collections.sort method Sum of all the overlapping elements Find the Number of Contiguous Parking Areas Get specific row K in a Pascal Triangle Override the compare function for Arrays.sort method - Java What is a Pascal Triangle? Minimum number of adjacent swaps to sort the given array Check if the given playlist of programs is valid Maximum meetings in one room Find the number of pairs with even XOR Given an array, Find the number of all pairs with even sum The number of cycles in a given array of integers. 1 2 3 4 5 6