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Excel-VBA : Prevent Changing the WorkSheet Name

Many a times you need a scenario where you don't want user to change the worksheet name in you Excel work book.

Its quite easy to do.


  • Go to VBA Editor
  • Expand your VBA Project
  • Select the any Sheet
Select WorkSheet
Select WorkSheet
  • Now select the "WorkSheet" from the first drop down on the right
Select WorkSheet from dropdown
Select WorkSheet from dropdown
  • Select the SelectionChange from the second drop down on the right
Select SelectionChange
Select SelectionChange
  • Now you will see the function Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
  • Add the following code in the function.
If Sheet9.Name <> "FixedName" Then

   Sheet9.Name = "FixedName"

End If

And thats it you are done. Lets test our program.

Go to excel and try changing the worksheet name.

Prevent changing the sheet name
Prevent changing the sheet name

Also Read:

  1. VBA-Excel: Format already written text in a word document – Format Paragraphs
  2. VBA-Excel: Create and Save the Word document
  3. VBA-Excel: Convert Numbers (Rupees) into Words OR Text - Updated Till 1000000 Crore With Decimal Numbers
  4. VBA-Excel: Consolidator – Merge or Combine Multiple Excel Files Into One
  5. Excel-VBA : Send Unique Images Embedded to Mail Body, With Every Mail From MS Outlook using Excel.