# | Status | Problem | video | Level | Completes | Likes |
328 |
Heap Sort |
Medium | % | 0 | |
322 |
Dijkstra’s – Shortest Path Algorithm (SPT) – Adjacency List and Priority Queue – Java Implementation |
Hard | % | 0 | |
284 |
Prim’s – Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) |using Adjacency List and Priority Queue with decrease key |
Hard | % | 0 | |
188 |
Shortest Range in K-sorted Lists |
Hard | % | 1 | |
185 |
Generate Maximum revenue by selling K tickets from N windows |
Medium | % | 0 | |
155 |
Find the Kth Smallest/Largest Element in an Array Using Heap |
Beginner | % | 0 | |
154 |
Priority Queue in Data Structure |
Beginner | % | 0 | |
143 |
Merge K Sorted Arrays |
Hard | % | 0 | |
129 |
Binary Min-Max Heap Implementation |
Hard | % | 0 |