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73. Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Search Tree.

Objective: - Find the Lowest Common Ancestor of two given nodes in a Binary Search Tree

What is Lowest Common Ancestor

In a given binary tree, The lowest common ancestor of two nodes n1 and n2 will be a node X such that node X will be the lowest node who has n1 and n2 as its descendants.

Similar Problem: Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree ( Not Binary Search Tree).



Input: A binary Search Tree and two nodes n1 and n2.


  1. Start will the root.
  2. If root>n1 and root>n2 then lowest common ancestor will be in left subtree.
  3. If root<n1 and root<n2 then lowest common ancestor will be in right subtree.
  4. If Step 2 and Step 3 is false then we are at the root which is lowest common ancestor, return it.


Recursive-Lowest Common Ancestor of Nodes 5 and 14 is : 10
Iterative-Lowest Common Ancestor of Nodes 5 and 14 is : 10