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Detect a loop in cyclic/circular linked list

Logic :

  • If a linked list has a cycle then no node has a null as next pointer.
  • A simple loop exists when p1.next.next !== null as shown below.
Simplest possible loop
Simplest possible loop
  • While iterating over the linked list we need two pointers, p1 increments one node at a time and the p2 increments two points at a time. If both the pointers meet then the loop exists.
  • If there is no loop then p1 and p2 can not meet as p2 is in the future, we have not invented time travel yet :)

    Circular Linked List iteration for the given solution
    Circular Linked List iteration for the given solution

    Watch the following video to understand the Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm!

    This post is a follow-up of JavaScript Linked List Example. I recommend reading those posts first, as the following code uses the method from it.

    Solution :

    References :